

Something Worth Fighting For

Relationships and friendships are challenging. They are challenging with certain people because some people seem to push you to your limits. They frustrate you, challenge you, make you want to scream all at the same time. Sometimes you love them but determine that its best to love them at a distance. Sometimes you feel like maybe the relationship is not worth fighting for. One particular friendship was like this for me for years. There was always a struggle, always an...

Adjust Your Focus

During a storm earlier this summer, a tree fell in our backyard. Thankfully, it missed the surrounding houses and our own. But nonetheless, there was a tree in our yard that needed to be cleaned up. My husband, being the DIY guy he is, declared that he would cut the tree up and dispose of it. He saw the task as something feasible – something that could be done with a bit of effort and the right tools. I looked...

Where Is Your Nathan?

Did you really have to say that? Was that really the best thing to do? Did you accomplish what you were trying to accomplish in that situation? Questions like these can be tough to answer and the first inclination can be to avoid the tough stuff.  Sometimes we avoid or despise having people in our lives who tend to question our actions or decisions. But don’t avoid these people and their tough questions. They can help keep you grow spiritually or...