faith and fear


broken for building blog

Now Is The Time

We are in a strange time right now with Coronavirus (COVID 19). There is a great uncertainty and unrest around the world. We want to know more; we want to stay safe; we want this to end. And while we all want information and details, as believers of Jesus Christ, we are called to govern ourselves differently from what may be going on around us. Now is not the time to panic and start believing every report you hear. Now...

Faith and Fear

Faith and Fear

In Matthew 9:28-29, two blind men came to Jesus crying “Son of David,  have mercy on us.” Jesus immediately responded “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” To this question, the men answered “Yes Lord”.  And Jesus’ response is exactly what I believe made the difference with my prayers that  yielded different results. “According to your faith, let it be to you.” As He went about healing people, Jesus often referenced the faith of those who desired healing. He made...