4 Ways To Increase Your Time With God

Part 1 Sometimes we allow the chaos, noise, busyness to distract us from continuously building our relationship with God. Or sometimes we are looking for perfect moments to sit with God. But if your life is anything like mine, sometimes those “perfect” moments are hard to come by. So instead of continuously missing my time with God, I’ve decided to make a way! I’ve decided that my soul, my mind, my life depends on connecting with the Savior so even...

Why You Need Fasting and Prayer

As the new year comes, many of us try to be intentional about setting goals and reevaluating things in our lives. We pick a word of the year to guide us and we often declare that the new year will be one of actualization for us, where we will become our best selves and reach all our goals. But sometimes we leave God out of the process. We make our plans and then ask God to bless it rather than...

Coming in January 7, 2023

Just in case, you’ve missed it, For This Child I Pray: 31 Scriptural Declarations to Pray Over your Children will be released in January 2023. We will host an in person launch event in January 2023 and we will be releasing the exact date and details shortly. Following the in person launch, the book will be available for purchase in hard copies or Kindle/ ebook. I am grateful for what the Lord has done and what He will do as...

My Book Release is Coming

I can’t believe it. God is truly faithful. I have a book coming out you all!!!! A book!!! You may not think this is something big… BUT IT IS! This is amazing and it’s a testimony that God can do anything with anyone – without permission from people. Writing has always been in my DNA. I remember being a preteen and saying I wanted to be a writer. I had no idea what that meant, but I know that God...

god's dreams or my dreams

Should I chase MY dreams?

And what of your dreams? And what of those unspoken desires / hopes / plans? What dreams has God placed inside of you? If you could do something for the rest of your life that would impact humanity, without any worries about money, what would it be? What stops you from achieving these dreams? I pose these questions as I continue my quest to discover these very answers for myself – Joseph’s story in Genesis 37: 1-36 – got me...

Give God all

The Year To Give Your All

In preparation for 2021, I hosted my Purpose Planning Session (Virtual Style) and it was a blessing to me and the women who attended. What exactly is purpose planning? This is when we are intentional about seeking the Lord’s face BEFORE we start making any goals and plans for the year. This is when we carve out time to ask God what’s next? Lord, what would you have me change? Lord, where do I need to grow and stretch? Lord,...

broken for building blog

Now Is The Time

We are in a strange time right now with Coronavirus (COVID 19). There is a great uncertainty and unrest around the world. We want to know more; we want to stay safe; we want this to end. And while we all want information and details, as believers of Jesus Christ, we are called to govern ourselves differently from what may be going on around us. Now is not the time to panic and start believing every report you hear. Now...