Every year, we experience a change of the seasons. The change of seasons often requires changes in other areas of our life: the type of clothing, the time we spend outside, how we spend our time, what types of produce we eat, etc. What would happen if we refused to accept the change from fall to winter or from winter to spring? We would look pretty ridiculous and be extremely uncomfortable in our winter wear and boots in 80 degree weather.
Many areas in our lives often experience a change in seasons. The stages in our walk with God and our relationships, our stages of growth and development must all undergo different changes. But sometimes, we refuse to accept the change of seasons. We beat ourselves up trying to figure out why the dynamics we are comfortable with have changed. We endlessly attempt to get things back to the way they used to be all the while not realizing that some things were intended for a specific time frame and a specific purpose (see Ecclesiastes 3).
Some relationships are only intended to help us realize what we need or they teach us how to be a friend. Sometimes we are to pour into others for a length of time. Sometimes we are to receive encouragement from others and after we have been strengthened, the season and the relationship changes. Sometimes we go through a season during which we feel as though we are alone – we have friends but they always seem out of our reach. Perhaps that may be the season for you to allow God to speak to you. He may be calling you away so that you can hear him without interruptions.
The change of seasons can be sudden or there may signs along the way that the change is coming. Refusal to cooperate with the change of seasons could leave us stuck in time, unable to evolve and grow like God intended us to.
God I pray that you would open my eyes to see and to accept the season I may be in. When its time to move into the next season, help me to be ready to move and grow.
What season is God taking you through right now? Are you embracing your current season or are you fighting it? Is God pushing you into spring but you are fighting to stay in winter?
April 20, 2015Wow, another great post, Jandi. I pray for discernment with determining my seasons.
April 23, 2015Luba, Amen and thank you for reading! Whatever the season, we know that it will work out in our favor!