During a storm earlier this summer, a tree fell in our backyard. Thankfully, it missed the surrounding houses and our own. But nonetheless, there was a tree in our yard that needed to be cleaned up. My husband, being the DIY guy he is, declared that he would cut the tree up and dispose of it. He saw the task as something feasible – something that could be done with a bit of effort and the right tools. I looked at the tree and saw a task that was too big, a task that would require more than what I felt we had, a task that was too much to handle. We were both looking at the same tree, but we focused on different things.
Sometimes, we see our situation the way I saw the tree. We look around and grow discouraged, disappointed, overwhelmed and/or frustrated. The daily grind has its way of sprawling itself out and showing you all of its realities. Life shows you all the ways that things won’t possibly work. It reminds you that you have limited abilities. It writes all your failures and fears in plain view of others. And then we begin to spend more time looking at the situation rather than looking at the One who can change the situation. What are you focusing on? The problem will always be the problem. God can change the problem or change your perspective of the problem. It’s time to focus on Him instead; time to put your energies in Him.
In Psalm 25:1 & 15, David declares “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.“
Today, I make my own declaration – reminding myself to adjust my focus.
I will not set my eyes on the numbers in my bank account.
I will not focus on the mountain that appears to be big for me to move.
Instead, I look to the One who trains my hands for every battle I face.
Lord, sometimes the magnitude of the situation causes me to take my eyes off You. Help me to stay focused on your promises concerning me.
August 16, 2013Nice! Almost like you were thinking of me when you wrote this. Thank you for this. You always have me in deep thought!
August 16, 2013Thank you again. This was right on time. As I am about to return to work in a few days and my mom a week, I have been a little anxious about myup coming routine….kindergarten, daycare, leaving the baby at night. But I am going to keep putting one foot infront the other and keep trusting. He hasn't fail me yet.
Mina Jartu
August 16, 2013Jandi, I tell you this all the time…you always delivered right on time. I know that God is using you to reach people like me. I am encouraged, and I have adjusted my focus on God and not the situation. I pray that God continue to use you.
August 19, 2013@ Jermina, keep looking to Jesus! He has a way of working it out!!
August 19, 2013@Mina, thank God for telling me what to say and when to say it!!!