J. Harris's


What If I Were Not Afraid?

What would you do if you were not afraid? What would you do if you knew you would succeed?About a week ago, I asked a friend to do me a favor and pick up some fabric for me so that I could work on some sewing projects. Somewhere in our conversation, I realized and confessed to her that I was not the bold seamstress I once was. You see, when I first learned how to sew I was fearless. I...

Get Me Out of This Pit!

Recently, I visited a pit. I stayed there for quite sometime. I was physically present in my daily activities but my spirit was in a hole.  What do you mean “you’ve been in a pit?” For me, the pit is where I am secluded emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically.  It’s a place where my emotions get the best of me. It’s a place where I feel no one understands me. Its where I feel alone even though I am in...

Roadblock or Blessing?

There have been numerous times in my life when I was sure that particular endeavors, pursuit, interests, and relationships were God’s desired path for me. Because I felt so sure, whenever I encountered closed doors or roadblocks, I prayed vigorously against the work of the enemy. I rebuked the breakups, heart breaks, denials of jobs and different opportunities.  In those times,  I questioned why I was experiencing yet another roadblock? Why was Satan intentionally trying to block my blessings? Of course,...

Give More of You

“Mom, have you ever had an embarrassing moment at school?” my daughter inquired of me while we  were discussing the events of the day.  Her question came after she had just shared what she considered a mortifying experience with me. I had listened to her and tried to console her by telling her that it was not the end of the world and that everyone has had one of those moments. I was caught off guard by her question and...

No Matter How You Look At It

A few days ago as I sat on my couch in a quiet living room (after the kids were in bed), I became overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. I thought of all the blessings I had and as I looked around the house, my sense of gratitude continued to grow. Tears welled up in my eyes as I considered my life.  I was in awe at all that God had done for me. When I consider my story – coming...

The Waiting Room

Today, I must confess…I hate waiting. Waiting rooms are filled with the aroma of nervous people, impatient people, tired people, and frustrated people. Lately, I’ve had to wait more than I’ve cared to. Sharing a car with my husband for a few weeks meant waiting – waiting after work, waiting at the girls’ ballet school, waiting at home for his return so I could go and take care of my errands, waiting in the car, etc. Likewise, many of us...

Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

“Where do broken hearts goCan they find their way homeBack to the open arms Of a love that’s waiting there?” I can still hear my friends and I bellowing Whitney Houston’s song “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?” Did we really know about broken hearts? Had we really seen all the darts life would throw at us that would really break our hearts? Obviously we had not, but you really couldn’t convince us then that our middle school trials would be least of...