J. Harris's


Take Up Your Bed

What  good is making a decision and being in position if you don’t take action? The third step to moving forward as illustrated in John 5:1-11 is to “Take up your bed. ”  If you missed Step 1 and Step 2 of the series you can read them here: Dear Future I’m Ready and It’s Time to Get Up.   In John 5: 1-8, Jesus is saying if you want to move forward, you have to get rid of the crutches in...

It’s Time to Get Up

The opportunity to move forward, to make necessary advancements in life is always before us. If we run from growth or advancement, we stunt our own progress.  In John 5:1-11, Jesus gives us instructions on how to move forward, how to go to the next level in our various situations.  In the last post,  Jesus asked the paralyzed man a significant question – “Do you want to be well?”  In order to move forward, we have to first make up our...

Dear Future, I’m Ready…

What lies ahead of you today? What mountains do you have to face next week, next month, upon graduation? How do you move forward, especially when you’ve been used to something for so long?   For some, we may have to move forward in friendships, relationships, jobs, start a new career.   For others, moving forward is more of an emotional task – we have to face the past, forgive, let go of our expectations, or we may have to release...

Is Your Heart In It?

Read a scripture. Check. Go to church. Check. Sing the songs. Check. Say a quick prayer. Check. Get out of church. Check. Move on with my life. Check. In the midst of a busy life,  if we are not careful, our relationship with God becomes just another thing on the checklist. Hearing from God, spending time in His presence can quickly become something we do out of habit and not out of passion or devotion. I don’t think that any Christian is immune from this. In fact,...

Never Alone

Imagine having a conversation with someone and feeling like they are not really listening to you. They are hearing the words you speak, but really, they are not emotionally connected to what you are saying.   How frustrating would it be to go through days and days like this?There are times when we are dying for someone to see through the smile on our face and  notice the pain in our hearts. We want them to know what we are...

Faith Building Moments

I wanted to scream aloud, but did so silently. I cried much and had very little words. How could this be happening? Why was it happening? I had prayed fervently, stood on the word of God, and believed God for the best- so why didn’t it work in my favor? Life’s worst moments have their way of throwing tough questions our way. It jolts you out of your slumber and into a reality you were not prepared to face.  After experiencing...

Loosen Your Grip

Recently, my daughters started new schools with new routines and new schedules. My grip on them has been tightened because I am uncertain about many things. Though I know better, the parent in me is afraid, nervous and running over with questions about how things will work out.   Abraham’s story in Genesis 22:1-18  is the exact opposite of my natural tendency. In fact, it is quite amazing to me. Every time I read it or hear it preached, I...