J. Harris's


Adjust Your Focus

During a storm earlier this summer, a tree fell in our backyard. Thankfully, it missed the surrounding houses and our own. But nonetheless, there was a tree in our yard that needed to be cleaned up. My husband, being the DIY guy he is, declared that he would cut the tree up and dispose of it. He saw the task as something feasible – something that could be done with a bit of effort and the right tools. I looked...

Lord, Cheer My Soul

Psalm 94:19 (ESV & Message) “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”  “When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up.” A few weeks ago as I prepared for a family trip, I lost it. I looked around the house and saw loads of laundry, dishes in the sink, toys on the floor, empty suitcases that needed packing and a host of other chores to do. I was angry...

Get Off The Wall

For most of my life, I’ve been standing on a wall, close to a wall or have been surrounded by walls. Those walls have been my comfort zone, my safety net, my barrier to keep emotions, people, and situations out. The wall has allowed me to hold on to my fears, while remaining safe. On Sunday, I finally got off a wall and it felt great! I felt free; I felt like a person who had conquered years of fear,...

Where Is Your Nathan?

Did you really have to say that? Was that really the best thing to do? Did you accomplish what you were trying to accomplish in that situation? Questions like these can be tough to answer and the first inclination can be to avoid the tough stuff.  Sometimes we avoid or despise having people in our lives who tend to question our actions or decisions. But don’t avoid these people and their tough questions. They can help keep you grow spiritually or...

But For Grace

“Your grace has run out,” he said in his sternest Daddy voice. “Daddy what is grace?” she bellowed from the back seat of the car.“Grace is when you get many chances to do the right thing.” That was the simplest answer we could think to give. That Sunday afternoon on the way home from church, my husband and I  both struggled for words that could explain the concept of grace to our six year old daughter.  Sometimes we get fed up with...