Faith In Action Bible Study

Bible Study James 1Peter 2PeterHow to use this Bible Study:

You can use it as a monthly reading plan or however you see fit. We typically start at the beginning of the month, but just jump in where you are.

Use the reflection/ catch up days to review any scriptures, catch up on what you missed, to journal your thoughts about what you read this week, to consider what God is saying to you in your present situation.

You can also use the reflection / catch up days to write out your prayers about things that God places on your heart or to share your thoughts on the scriptures in our online Facebook group.

  1. What is your current spiritual condition? Are you pleased? If yes, how can you continue to improve your spiritual condition? If no, what can you do to change your spiritual condition?
  2. In what ways do you “talk faith” but not walk out (practice) your faith (what you say you believe)?  Make a list of ways noted in scripture that instruct us of how we can demonstrate our faith.
  3. As set apart children of the Lord Most High, how are we to conduct ourselves? Which areas do you struggle in most?

See Other Bible Studies