

god's dreams or my dreams

God’s Dreams or My Dreams

And what of your dreams? And what of those unspoken desires / hopes / plans? What dreams has God placed inside of you? If you could do something for the rest of your life that would impact humanity, without any worries about money, what would it be? What stops you from achieving these dreams? I pose these questions as I continue my quest to discover these very answers for myself – Joseph’s story in Genesis 37: 1-36 – got me...

Available to God

I’m Available Lord, But Not Really…

The phone vibrated continuously and seemed to be waiting for me to acknowledge its muted buzz. I quickly glanced at the phone and decided I would return the call later, when my schedule allowed. There are times when my hands are full and it’s just not convenient for me to answer a call. There are some times when my hands are not full and I simply do not feel like chatting or catching up (please refrain from judgement here). And...

spiritual recharge renewal

How to know if it’s time for a Spiritual Recharge

Like my computer, often times I allow my spiritual battery to get depleted. Sometimes I realize it before I’m completely drained, but sometimes, I ignore the signs and keep going on with my life. Like my laptop, once I’m depleted, empty, with nothing to offer anyone, of no use to myself or to anyone else I have no choice but to connect to a power source. Eventually, we too need a spiritual recharge. I sat in Barnes and Noble a...

7 Books I’m Reading in 2017

In the last post I shared the books that I read in 2016 and shared some of my key takeaways. Read that post here. In this post, I’m sharing 7 books I will dive into this year. I hope that you will find something on the list that peaks your interest. If so, let me know so we can share our thoughts as we read! Warning: I typically read / listen to multiple books at a time.  This does not...

What I Read in 2016

  A couple of years ago, I decided that I needed to read more! As a teacher, I read often but I was not reading for pleasure or even for personal growth. I decided that I would make reading a priority instead of finding excuses for why I didn’t have the time. If I have time to watch a television show, I definitely have time to read. So I decided to find time to dive into books and I have...

9 Ways to Make Your Bible Study Better

I must admit that I enjoy Bible Study now more than when I first started trying to dive into the Word. Initially, studying the Word was a hit or miss. I struggled with what to study, how to study and being consistent at studying. Whether you are new to Bible Study or consider yourself a veteran, the key is that you keep growing. Don’t be content with where you are and don’t get frustrated with where you are now. But...

The Top 3 Things To Leave in 2016

The other day as I grabbed my purse to head out,  I realized that my purse had grown extremely heavy. I kept adding quite a bit of items and before long, my purse was too heavy and my shoulder was paying the price for it. I realized that in order to lessen the load on my shoulder, I would have to let go of some things. I mean quite a few things.  Likewise, the same is true for our lives....