Is It That Time?

July 3, 2013

Lately, some great things have been happening around me. There have been lots of promotions, job changes, dreams being fulfilled, moves, etc. While it is thrilling and I am delighted and excited for everyone, I can’t help but to start thinking “Lord, everyone (gross exaggeration) but me is moving / changing / doing something exciting.” When great stuff is happening around you, but not to you, a sense of anxiety and uncertainty sneaks in. Often, I start to ask myself if it’s time for me to make some changes in my life. Is it time to start looking for a new job? Is it time to make moves in (insert your specific area here) area? What do I need to do to make things happen for me?

How do you handle staying put and standing still while things and people around you are moving forward? How should you  proceed when you face what seems to be a state of stagnancy?

1. This is No Time for Hating
As great things happen to others, there is no time for hating! This is time for rejoicing because if God can do it for one…then will He not do it for another? The same God who makes a way for one, makes a way for another and that is great news. I don’t have to hate, I don’t have to be angry, resentful or spiteful. Romans 12:9 & 15a asks us to “Love sincerely” and “rejoice with those who rejoice.” When I am confident that God’s word does not lie, I have no time for hating. When I know that God has a plan and purpose for me – just like He has one for my brothers and sisters, I have no time for hating. I do have time for great expectations, for great faith and great hope of wonderful things to come for me!

2. This is the Time to Ask God for Direction
Should I go or should I stay? Do I make this move now or do I wait? When is it going to be my time?While I don’t know all the answers, I have a relationship with someone who does! Trying to figure it all out on my own can get too heavy and stressful. In 2 Samuel 5:17-19, 22-25, shortly after David became King of Israel he sought God’s direction as to whether he should pursue the Philistine army.

What I love about this is that God’s direction to David for each instance was specific and unique. Don’t box God in and expect him to give you a cookie cutter response when you ask Him for direction. What worked for one person, may not work for you. When you ask God for direction, listen for a response. It can come in different ways; sometimes it’s in a still small voice in your heart, a scripture, a sermon, or a conversation.  Be open to hear God speak when you ask Him for direction and obey Him when He directs you.

3. This is the Time to Make Your Resolve
In Exodus 33, Moses had directions from God to move and take the children of Israel to the promised land. However, Moses (like many of us) had questions and doubts about his next steps. In verse 15, Moses states “If you [God] don’t personally go with us[me], don’t make us [me] leave this place. How will anyone know that you [God] look favorably on me…if you don’t go with us? For your presence among us sets your your people and me apart from all other people on the earth.”

Moses resolved that unless God went with him, unless he knew God’s hand was in what he was doing, he would stay put. As you prepare for the next steps, God’s presence will make the difference. His presence will set you apart from others. His presence will order your steps and lead you in the right path. Without His presence, you are wandering aimlessly, groping in the dark for direction.Without His presence, you are just like everybody else  – wishing that something good happens.

Lord as things and people around me move in different directions, help me to seek Your direction before I move. Help me not to just ask for help, but to wait for Your direction and instruction. While I wait on You to move, help me to genuinely rejoice with others in their season of progression.  I resolve that unless Your presence goes with me to the next step, I will stay and wait for You.

More about J. Harris

    1. Broken for building, love it! Being a while since i been on FB. Thanks, for this positive blog; for building a personal relationship with the father.

    1. Rosesaletha, thank you so much for reading – I hope you will stay with us as God takes us on a ride through His Word! Welcome 🙂

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