4 Things to Do Before You Make Those Big Plans

Cheers to 2016! It’s a new year and many of us are starting the year by writing resolutions, goals and plans. As you consider the new year – Let’s plan together.   1. Reflect on the previous year. You can start by answering these questions: What did God do in 2015?  What lessons did you learn?  What were your blessings?  What were the challenges/opportunities for growth?   2. Ask God what He wants for you this year Spend time alone...

Making the Most of Your Quiet Time

“I need more of God”, or “God I want to be closer to you” – This is my cry often. The other day I was wondering what is stopping me from being closer to God? The short answer is me. I am stopping myself from being closer to God. I acknowledge that I need more of Him, but I don’t know if I’m doing much about it.  If you are like me, there is never enough time in the day...

Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit

Over last few weeks,  I’ve felt drained and exhausted. There seemed to be pressure all around me and on the inside, I was starting to consider succumbing to the pressure. I wanted to call someone and complain and just give up because the situation seemed too hard. Feeling overwhelmed, undervalued, and in over our heads will happen from time to time. Or maybe it will happen often depending on your job or your unique situation. But what helped to pull...

Give Others Room to Shine

Jealousy and envy start with a small thought and then it grows into a huge tree whose roots are deeply entrenched deep in the soil. Once the roots have been given the space and time to grow, it can be almost impossible to root out.  If we are honest, we can all remember times when others were recognized for doing something great or when others were advancing and we felt jealousy and envy creep up on us.  Sometimes we get...

Three Reasons To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

1. Your Divine Destination is Unique You are extraordinarily set apart. Yes, we all have knowledge of this, but I don’t know if we really get it. There is not a single replica of your DNA anywhere in the universe. God has crafted each of us with a  specific purpose in mind and as a result, my story cannot be a copycat. My struggles, my sense of humor (or lack of it), my passions, my purpose, my quirks are all...

Trust God with the Details

I am a planner.  Many details of my wedding were planned out before I even got a proposal (I know, don’t judge me).  I am often consumed with the details of every part of my life. I constantly write my to-do lists, updating it constantly throughout the course of the day. I am ecstatic when life goes exactly as I’ve imagined it would and exactly as I’ve planned it out in my notebook. But reality always has a harsh way...

Pour Out Your Heart

 “O my people, trust in him at all times.  Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8  This week I danced. No, I didn’t win the lottery or get really good news. I didn’t dance because my life is going perfectly. Nor did I dance because I was at a party.  I danced because I needed to. I danced to share my heart with God. It was a statement of my faith-that although I do not know...