This week I danced. No, I didn’t win the lottery or get really good news. I didn’t dance because my life is going perfectly. Nor did I dance because I was at a party.
I danced because I needed to. I danced to share my heart with God. It was a statement of my faith-that although I do not know how all the pieces of my life will connect, I still know that He is worthy of my time and my energy. It was my declaration that I still trust Him to handle the details of my life. I danced to encourage myself and I danced with all that I had. Perhaps my children thought I was crazy, but it didn’t matter. I needed to express my concerns to God in a new way.
Sometimes I get so caught up in the traditional ways of communicating with God that it becomes a production, a long list of things I must do before I can enjoy God’s presence. But this was liberating because the more I opened up to His presence and freed myself, the more He poured out. And as I danced, my focus was shifted to the Father as opposed to the mountains ahead. Instead of thinking of all I didn’t have and all I didn’t know, I focused on all He has and all He knows.
We are bound to feel a vast range of emotions within minutes, hours, or days. It is exciting to know that regardless of the emotions I feel, I can pour my heart out to God without fear of judgment. God meets us where we are and He welcomes us with whatever emotions we may bring at a given moment.
The form or method we use to cry out does not matter, the heart and the intention is what captures God’s attention.
What do you do to express your heart to God? Whatever it is, have faith that He is listening and sees you.

“O my people, trust in him at all times.
Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8
Lord, thank you that you are always available to hear what’s on my heart. I don’t have to chase you down and I don’t have to be proper or formal with you.
You take me where I am and move me to where you want me to go.