The Top 3 Things To Leave in 2016

December 28, 2016

The other day as I grabbed my purse to head out,  I realized that my purse had grown extremely heavy. I kept adding quite a bit of items and before long, my purse was too heavy and my shoulder was paying the price for it. I realized that in order to lessen the load on my shoulder, I would have to let go of some things. I mean quite a few things.  Likewise, the same is true for our lives. Over time, we pick up habits, mindsets, thoughts and practices that weigh us down and prevent us from being who God intends us to be and eventually, in order to lessen the burden and weights, and avoid the consequences we have to leave some things behind.

A new year will be here shortly and we will spend a great deal of time making goals and plans for 2017.  But as we do, let’s consider the things that are weighing us down and preventing us from living the abundant life that Jesus talked about in John 10.

John 10:10 – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (ESV)

1.Fear of Being Authentic

The fear of being authentic primarily stems from the idea that people will not accept who we really are and that they may reject us. And rejection just plain hurts. But this year, I want to be authentic. A few months ago as I was studying the book of Ephesians, I came across the verse in Chapter 4 that talks about speaking the truth in love. I want to be able to speak my truth in love in order that I will be able to move forward and grow. So authenticity with God, my family, my friends, and even with you is what I desire.  

2. Fear of Succeeding and/or Failing

Many of us will not admit it, but we have a fear of succeeding. Succeeding means more pressure, greater expectations, more failures and more eyes on us. Sometimes, it’s the fear of failing that keeps us from moving forward. We are so concerned with the unknown that we neglect to activate our faith in the God who can. I struggle a lot in this area, but as I enter 2017, I’m choosing to leave this fear behind. I’m choosing to trust God with the results. I’m believing that God has plans to prosper me and that with those plans, He will also equip me to handle what He brings my way.

3. Fear of Experiencing Life

 The fear of experiencing life manifests itself in the form of “what ifs.” What if this doesn’t work? What if I don’t enjoy this experience? What if I miss this opportunity? Instead of living in “what if” universe, I want to experience the fullness of life. I want to say yes to God and say yes to where He wants me to go.  I want to have faith that He will catch me regardless of where I land.

What are you committing to leaving behind in 2016? The journey  starts here!

Father, I pray that you would show me all the things that are weighing me down and preventing me from experiencing the full life You offer.



More about J. Harris

    1. Adrienne – Yes, we want success but it can be a scary thing!Praying for the grace to walk into our full potential this year!

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